I don’t know why I jinxed myself and wrote a post like that last one.
First, it was awkward seeing people who I know read my blog, because I felt like I should be perma-happy since I said I was so super duper happy, right? Which is ridiculous but that’s just how it felt after writing a glowing review of life like that. I took Molly to a playdate on Friday and was terrified she’d start behaving like a little terror right after I just said how good she is all the time. Also, I wasn’t in a great mood. Not for any particular reason. But I guess there are just good days and bad days, and even though I’m still very happy most of the time, I’m not happy all the time. I mean, obviously.
So now that’s settled.
Sunday I hosted a successful cookie exchange and it was a lot of fun but I’m glad is over. Prepping for parties is no joke, even when you’re not working! Just trying to keep the dog hair in check was a full-time occupation. But everyone showed up and the cookies were delicious, though now I wish we didn’t have so many in the house. Molly has begun asking for cookies at the completion of every meal, including breakfast (and it’s very hard to say no to her, especially with how sweetly she says, “Thank you, mama” when I give her one).
Monday morning I woke up with the worst pain ever in my right boob. Instantly I knew – clogged duct. Remember how I said I have to keep waking him up to eat? Well, I’m not so worried about him because he’s gaining weight and peeing and pooping, but as for my boobs, I seem to be overproducing milk and that’s really not good. By mid-morning I had the worst headache, severe chills, and a fever of 101. I couldn’t stop thinking of that Nyquil commercial where the moms and dads pretend to call in sick to their toddlers, because that’s totally what I felt like doing. Again, I felt very blessed to have a non-needy child who does not mind parking in front of Sesame Street for a few hours, because I was down for the count. I was also lucky enough to have a recently filled prescription for antibiotics on hand, because I’m assuming based on my symptoms that this was classic mastitis. One day later and I’m already feeling much, much better. Also, Liam seems to have gotten the memo because ever since then he’s been eating more and more often. Go figure.
Some other slightly surprising news is that I think it may be time to start Molly on potty training. I know – the kid is going to be 18 months old next week, how can this be? But for the past few days she has been telling me every time she has to go/has just gone poo by coming up to me, looking me right in the eye and saying, “I poo poo.” The one time she didn’t tell me around dinner time and just shrieked and cried when I tried putting her in her highchair, which is very unlike her, until finally I figured out that she was horrified I would leave her in a dirty diaper for a mealtime (but she hadn’t told me!). I guess this shouldn’t be too surprising – my mom said I was fully trained by 18 months. She knew I was ready when I began pulling off my own dirty diapers and handing them to her… something I can totally see Molly doing any day now. So we added a little potty to her Christmas list. Now I just have to begin the daunting task of researching tips, tricks, and methods for training… Lord help me.
Other than that, not too much going on. Eric has been really getting into photography and since we’re operating on a tight budget as usual, he opted to take our Christmas card photos and Liam’s newborn photos. I think they came out great, and I don’t even feel as fat/ugly as I did in last year’s card. Yay! I’m not going to share those photos here yet because I like them to be a little surprise for everyone who gets a card (silly, but true), but I do have some other photos since more than one of you yelled at me for my last picture-less post. Sorry! Truth be told, I haven’t been great about taking pictures lately. I need to try harder.
So I wasn’t going to share this story because it’s really terrible but I can’t help it, I’m an oversharer. Earlier tonight Eric went up to the attic and left the door open (we have a walk-up attic). A few minutes later I walked by, probably muttered some expletive, then closed the door and turned off the light. A few minutes after that, we were arguing about something stupid when all of the sudden I turned to him and said, “Where’s Molly?” A frantic checking of her room, the kitchen, and the living room turned up nothing. That’s when I remembered – oh shit – the attic! I ran up the stairs and found her standing completely still, right next to the open stairwell, not even crying or doing anything, just standing there in dark. Seriously, almost had a heart attack! Lesson learned… there will now be a gate permanently in place. And no more doors left open. Yikes.
And with that Parent of the Year moment, I bid you farewell. Rest assured that I’m not perfect, I’m not always happy, and sometimes I lock my child in the attic.
Now for the promised photos: