Oh hey, y’all. Is it weird that we only eat tacos on weeknights that start with “T” because I’m that obsessed with alliteration?
Is it also weird that the most interesting thing I have to talk about is what I had for dinner tonight?
And furthermore…is it weird that I looked forward to this aforementioned meal all damn day? This is what my life has become.
Fact is, my food tastes have changed dramatically from what they used to be. I’m operating on some kind of “food craving pendulum,” where one particular meal that’s so amazing right now will be much hated in a week, but then could potentially become essential a week after that. That’s why I had to throw out a whole batch of those peanut butter cookies…because as much as I loved them a couple weeks ago, right now I cannot bear the thought of them. And what’s weirder is that despite my affinity for burnt toast and my conviction that inanimate objects have feelings, I’ve had absolutely no problem throwing away food lately. This is completely out of character for me.
While I don’t have any cravings per se, I can tell you that all I want is carb loaded items (GF pasta and Annie’s GF macaroni and cheese) and sweets of all kinds (GF cupcakes, granola bars, cookies that aren’t peanut butter, brownies, and the like). If it’s loaded with sugar, sign me up. I don’t want vegetables. I don’t like salmon! It’s so bizarre to still be myself but to not want to eat the foods I usually love most in the world. I feel like my body has been taken over. These particular cravings coupled with how I’m carrying both have my mom convinced it’s a boy… and truthfully, I think she’s right. And that mystery shall be solved on February 3rd (woo hoo)!
Speaking of… I’m overdue, so to speak, for a bump picture. I don’t think it’s that different from the last pic I posted, but this shirt really accentuates it with the stripes. I’m going to add a “bump pictures” tab to the blog simply because it’s something I ALWAYS gravitated towards on other people’s blogs when we were TTC. I think it was part masochism, and part obsession with when I might realistically start to show when I finally got pregnant. I used to bump-stalk people and live vicariously through their photo progressions. So I’m here to satisfy that curiosity for any other bloggers who feel the same, and to record this unlikely journey for myself, too. That said…while I do think my bump is excessive in the grand scheme of bumps, I am only 5’1. There’s not much room for this uterus to expand besides straight out. I accurately predicted that maternity clothes would become necessary sooner rather than later.And for those of you on symptom watch or disappointed at your lack of symptoms, I’m here to say that I still have very, very few. I get nauseated from my prenatal every morning (which is something that often happens even when I’m not pregnant), but other than that, the weird food aversions, and the bump, I’m just feeling regular. I don’t even pee that much! I scaled back on my impressive 2 gallon/day water consumption, so now I’m back to hitting the bathroom a normal amount.
Yeah, that’s really it. This week is freakin’ dragging…I took off the two days after Christmas so I’ll have a nice 5 day break next week, and I’m really looking forward to it. My husband has off straight through from the 20th – January 2nd (jerkface). Oh, and our next ultrasound is on Monday! Isn’t it funny how I’m not so obsessed with ultrasounds anymore now that I have my handy dandy doppler? I mean, it’ll be great to see the baby on screen again, but I’m no longer counting down the days with bated breath. It’s such a nice feeling…I think it’s called confidence? Weird.
Gotta go, I’m off to stuff my face full of ice cream and cookies! Nom, nom, nom.