So today was my first beta and I got a 155. Things are looking good!
Don’t worry, I’m still terrified for Saturday’s second beta. And then if that goes well I’m terrified for the wait until the 9 week U/S (for some reason I don’t get one at 7 weeks. I told you these people were sadists). Basically I’m equal parts excited and terrified, which is an awesome combination when you’re trying to cut stress and make your uterus a welcoming, anxiety-free environment.
I took my favorite 5:45 a.m. bus into the city and was back home by 10. I took the day off work because of aforementioned excessive PTO and because I just couldn’t imagine getting “the call” while sitting in an open area and at work. So where did I get the call? I can tell you exactly.
My mother-in-law and I were at Kohl’s. She was perusing 80% off snowsuits for the grandkids and I was looking at magnets. The phone rang. The caller said, “I have good news. It looks like you are pregnant.” I looked across the aisle to Cindy, gave a thumbs up and had to laugh when she started cheering and crying loudly while curious shoppers looked on. She told two people at Kohls, including a sales associate, that I just found out I was pregnant. It was perfect – telling strangers is fun because you get all the congrats without having to worry about giving them bad news later if it doesn’t work out. Oh, and right after I hung up the phone this song came on and it just felt so right.
Remember how worried I was about maternity clothing? My sister-in-law always got SO mad when I said I would need stuff. She said she had 7 boxes of maternity clothing from various previously pregnant family members and friends. It’s not that I didn’t believe her… it’s just that I couldn’t comprehend how much there really was. Our spare bedroom is now overflowing with maternity wear, which is helping this feel extra super surreal.
I’m trying to think of a witty wrap up but I got nothing. This day has stolen my capacity for clever writing.