I’m blanking for blog post titles. I’m blanking on a lot of things, actually.
So we went for the ultrasound today and IT WENT PERFECTLY! How am I getting so lucky with this? Is it luck, or something else? I laid in bed last night planning out my outfit. I intentionally did not wear maternity pants or a maternity shirt in case the appointment went badly (because it would be so much harder getting dressed into them and not being pregnant anymore, ya know?). Even though I did a bunch of grocery shopping yesterday, I didn’t buy the gluten-free pumpkin pie because I didn’t want to waste my money if by Thursday I wouldn’t need special food. But everything was fine today. Better yet, Baby Crumb is looking less blob-like and more baby-like. Wow.
Today I am 10w5d, but I’m measuring ahead at 11w2d. Second trimester is within spitting distance! I will have ultrasounds every 4 weeks with my OB/GYN and the next will be on 12/23. But since I’m kind of high risk with my history, they’re also referring me to a specialist who will be doing another scan on 12/9. I’m happy for that because I really want to actually see the baby at 12 weeks and verify that I made it past that hurdle. Plus, as mentioned, Eric refuses to let me tell the world ‘o Facebook until we hit that day. I agree with him. So there it is.
Speaking of the hubs, he seemed to enjoy the whole ultrasound experience and was impressed with how much the baby was moving all around. I’m glad we got to do this on his birthday. It really has been an amazing day so far.
After the appointment I stopped by the grocery store to get that GF pie and holy. smokes. It was about 12 p.m. on a Monday and the place was mobbed like Thanksgiving was tomorrow. Nowhere to park. Shopping cart traffic jams. Almost every single register was open. So glad I didn’t wait longer! While I was there I kept finding gluten-free goodies and could not help myself (don’t they say to never shop when you’re hungry?). Pumpkin muffins. Spinach ravioli. MAC AND CHEESE. Oh, it was glorious. I think I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: I could not be happier that going gluten-free is so hot right now. All I want to eat is carbs/sweets, and I can safely do that with all the stuff they have. I can even have pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. That’s like my favorite thing ever.I’ve noticed a trend lately. Most of my posts have more reads, but fewer comments. I’m not complaining… it’s just funny, because posts are becoming harder to write now that things are going well. And I do the same thing – I’m definitely more compelled to comment on sad posts than happy posts. It just seems like people who are going through tough times need you more, right? So I’m not sweating it, though I do appreciate all the comments that I get. But even if you have nothing to say, that’s cool, too. I’m sure eventually I’ll find stuff to complain about again and commenting will be easier.
Well, it’s 2:30 and I have the day off, so I think it’s nap time.
Can you freakin’ believe we made it here?